Manchurian Highway

Manola Moretti
Manchurian Highway

After eight months spent abroad, Manola Moretti tackles a new series reflecting the themes of identity and belonging, dear to those who are far from their native country.

Iconic, the portraits depict a Chinese man wearing the traditional costumes of various countries. While bearing witness to the homogenization of cultures, the fusion of traditions, national interdependencies, and the dilution of the meaning of the words "authentic" and "original", the obvious rapprochement of images and the appropriation of a other identity underlines the ever-growing common awareness of the need to preserve our roots.

In another series, Manola Moretti presents installations where a key object of tourist culture is represented, the timeless and enigmatic object of memories of our travels, these snowballs with floating images that depict different places around the world. , from Rio de Janeiro to Mount Fuji.

The exhibited works function as installations in which three-dimensional objects exist not just to be observed, but to be touched and manipulated by the public. Floating images are both a mix and match of mismatched characters and landmarks. As if something had deviated, that timelessness was invading the cultures and symbols of civilizations creating a crossbreeding enclosed in a unique "snowball", testimony to the existence and encounters of the history of humanity.

An artist of Italian origin, Manola Moretti has lived in France since 2007, after obtaining her degree in marine science and biology in the United States and her master's degree in painting at Steinhardt University in New York. She has exhibited in Rome, New York, Dubai, Venice and Madrid, among others.

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